Wednesday, July 1, 2009


You guessed it. I'm another 20-something year old, liberal arts college graduate, simmering in the what now? portion of my life - searching for meaning through reading, writing, traveling, tattoo ideas, and dreams of the big city. The only thing soothing my restlessness is my endless, fiendish search for music, new and old, coloring my life every step of the way. I can't really say enough about it - which is what Listening Around is all about.

No music snobbery, no haterade. Just sharing.


  1. haha, jennifer is silly... & jeal

    i think that this is a luvly idea & i'm stoked to read more more more..

    & of course many introductions of many new dance moves like the "knock knock knocking on heavens door" & the "palm scratcher"... luvvvvs it
